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your request is under review

what is this? My intention is to provide an easy-to-use platform to help people create a digital garden within an organic network of digital gardens. However, right now, adding these capabilities for unique users is a manual process. So, if you desire to create and cultivate your own digital garden within this community, you need to make a request. In the future I hope to have tools and systems in place to make this self-service, but at this stage, this is at it's very infancy. I don't want people to feel like they are forced into MY curated experience, even though this is ultimately a curated experience of curated experiences. To enable that, please submit a detailed request for what you would like and I can create it for you to your specifications. I suspect that this will be manageable for an indefinite period of time. TIp: You are free to create your own 'Public' and 'Private' groups and only invite selected people, or leave it open to all site members. Groups are the simplest and most streamlined method for starting your own digital garden and community as they provide a simple timeline based interface for sharing posts and interacting. If there is a topic you are interested in, consider creating a public group for that topic so others can find it and join you. I could write several pages of text detailing each and every feature and option that is available to you to help tailor this experience to your liking, but since I have to do the hard work of implementing your request, I trust that you are capable of figuring out what you want.

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