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I'm the luckiest man in the world!

Just kidding.

If you know me, that’s an extremely odd thing for me to say because I don't believe in luck. If anything, I've been extremely unlucky for the majority of my lived experiences thus far.

Yet, this quote from Ben Franklin strongly resonates with me:

“I am a strong believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Throughout my career, I've often encountered the idea that luck is a crucial factor in achieving success. I've always scoffed when someone mentioned luck, often wishing I could magically implant a thought into people's minds:

"Luck!? Do you have any idea what I've been through to get to this point!?"

Instead, of course, I chuckle and nod. But now I get to implant that thought into your head!

Achievements aren't the result of chance; they are the result of countless late nights, rigorous problem-solving, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Success is earned through perseverance, learning from mistakes, and continuously pushing forward despite the odds. Early in my career, I encountered numerous setbacks that tested my resolve. I spent long hours troubleshooting issues, learning new technologies, and refining my skills, often ending in frustration—the frustration of not grasping it, feeling inadequate, yet having no choice but to persevere.

Something I try to instill in my children, because I have struggled with this in the past, is that:

You don't lose until you give up.

Each failure taught me invaluable lessons and forged a resilience that became the cornerstone of my success.

Luck, as Franklin suggests, isn’t a whimsical force that randomly bestows its favor.

Luck is really the manifestation of consistent effort and preparation meeting opportunity. The "lucky breaks" I've experienced were, in fact, the fruits of my labor, emerging from the countless hours invested in honing my skills and solving problems. This perspective shift—from seeing luck as an external force to viewing it as a product of internal diligence—has been transformative. It’s the unseen hours, the perseverance through challenges, and the readiness to seize opportunities that truly create "luck."

Hard work doesn’t just lead to success; it creates opportunities where none seemed to exist. Each challenge conquered has paved the way for new possibilities, turning what might have seemed like fortunate coincidences into predictable outcomes of hard work and strategy. The projects I’ve led, the innovations I’ve been part of, and the milestones I’ve reached are testaments to the notion that sustained effort and a proactive mindset turn potential chances into tangible achievements.

Success is not a stroke of luck but a mosaic of countless efforts, meticulously pieced together over time.

So, do you wanna be lucky?

Make your own luck.

Thanks for reading. See you next time when I explain why I’m actually a super dumb guy.

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